Sender ID Rules of Registration
- Registration of Sender IDs is on a first-come-first-served basis.
- No sharing of Sender IDs is allowed between user organisations.
- Sender IDs cannot be transferred between user organisations, unless approved by SGNIC.
- If a user organisation is seeking to register a Sender ID that does not appear to bear any relation to its name, business or operations, SGNIC may (without prejudice to Paragraph 9 below) require the user organisation to justify why it is seeking to register such a Sender ID, and/or to provide any relevant supporting documentation in connection thereto.
- Alphanumeric Sender IDs should:
- have a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 11 characters;
- not contain non-Latin characters;
- be in any combination of upper/lower casing;
- not be generic in nature (for e.g. “OTP”, “SMS”, etc);
- not be sensitive in nature;
- not contain leading or trailing spaces; and
- only include the allowed special characters found in the Annex.
- Short codes can be registered as Sender IDs with the SSIR, provided the following conditions are met:
- Only 5-digit short codes starting with 7 can be registered;
- The short code will need to be unique to the user organisation; and
- The user organisation will need to submit supporting document(s) to the SSIR, showing that the short code was issued by a Mobile Network Operator in Singapore to the SMS aggregator that the user organisation is working with.
- Long virtual numbers (“LVNs”) can be registered as Sender IDs with the SSIR, provided the following conditions are met:
- Only numeric Sender IDs assigned by Mobile Network Operators in Singapore and sent by Participating Aggregators can be registered. SIM card mobile number cannot be registered as Sender ID;
- Only LVNs from the 8 and 9 series can be registered, where user organisation should register the 10-digit LVN (65 without "+" prefix) e.g. 658xxxxxxx or 659xxxxxxx. The 8-digit LVN (without 65) e.g. 8xxxxxx or 9xxxxxxx will not be accepted for registration;
- The LVN will need to be unique to the user organisation;
- The user organisation will need to submit supporting document(s) to the SSIR, showing that the LVN was issued by a Mobile Network Operator in Singapore to the SMS aggregator that the user organisation is working with.
- User organisation should not register Sender ID(s) as follow:
- Suggesting a link to or associated with Singapore Government, statutory bodies, regulatory authorities/agencies, national controlling bodies and/or national movements;
- Regarded as sensitive (for e.g. obscene, scandalous, indecent or contrary to law or morality in any language, or offending religious beliefs); or
- Generic in nature (for e.g. "OTP", "SMS", etc).
- For the avoidance of doubt, SGNIC has sole and absolute discretion in deciding which Sender IDs are objectionable, undesirable or unsuitable for Registration. SGNIC may delete/reject the Sender IDs or take such other action as SGNIC deems necessary or desirable in its sole and absolute discretion.
Annex: List of Allowed Special Characters in a Sender ID*
* Each Participating Aggregator (PA) has its own “Know-Your-Customer” verification processes during sign up. Each PA also has commercial and technical policies and set-up in supporting Sender IDs, which may differ from another PA. E.g., not all PA(s) may support Sender IDs that contain special characters (e.g., ?, @, *, #). User organisations should check out before engaging their preferred PA.
Characters |
Description |
! |
exclamation mark |
# |
number sign |
% |
percent |
& |
ampersand |
* |
asterisk |
( |
left/opening parenthesis |
) |
right/closing parenthesis |
- |
minus or dash |
= |
equal sign |
+ |
plus |
? |
question mark |
< |
less than |
> |
greater than |
; |
semi-colon |
: |
colon |
" |
double quote |
' |
single quote |
/ |
forward slash |
Space character |
@ |
"at" symbol |
$ |
dollar sign |
_ |
underscore |
^ |
caret/circumflex |
| |
vertical bar |
{ |
left/opening brace |
} |
right/closing brace |
[ |
left/opening bracket |
] |
right/closing bracket |
~ |
tilde |
\ |
back slash |
. |
dot |